Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius – bursts of frankness without tact, grandiose promises, and fierce arguments

Both Mercury and Jupiter, the rulers of Sagittarius, are not known for their tactfulness. Just the opposite – they always speak what’s on their mind. Yes, for the Sagittarius ruler – Jupiter – this could be out of wise and philosophical principles, while for Mercury this comes in the form of epiphanies, intelligent remarks and banter, but this is always be part-and-parcel with lack of consideration for how other will feel or with a disregard for whether someone’s dignity might be harmed. The truth is, these zodiacal signs aren’t striving to cause harm, they just possess a standard for frankess that’s much less sensitive than for the rest of us. Often they can stomach those same kinds of comments without any sense of insult. In the grand scheme of their optimism, generosity and open-mindedness, Sagittarius would never feel bogged down by such little stuff.
And yet, Sagittarius is a fire sign, meaning that it creates a smooth unison with Mercury, which is an air element, while Jupiter is currently in a trine with Sagittarius. If we behave like Sagittarius’, and save ourselves the pearl-clutching from the straightforwardness, we’ll get to enjoy a wealth of communication coming our way, despite the fact that it might be coming from the past, bringing feelings of perplex and misunderstanding. At the end of this period, we’ll have achieved new insight into matters we couldn’t have possibly had access to before.
In its retrograde motion, Mercury will go back to Scorpio, and we will be caught in the realm of intense thoughts and feelings, always looking for the hidden meaning in things. We may even get clarification on why some motifs in our lives are reappearing.
The biggest risk during this Mercury retrograde is the danger of making promises we can’t keep, either due to our overestimation, or our unclear vision for the situation and our abilities! These impulses will be additionally challenged by the aspects of Mercury during its retrograde period – conjunctions on 27th and 29th of November and on the 21st of December with Jupiter. Its square with Mars the day before – 26th of November – may trigger heated arguments, quarrels, fierce oppositions, that we will most likely regret afterwards. Better to be reasonable and stop yourself in time!

The dates for Mercury retrograde
Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius and Scorpio in 2018 from 13°29′ Sagittarius on the 17th of November till the 6th of December, 27°16′ in Scorpio. Its retrograde shadow starts on the 29th of October until the 24th of December. The two stations are 17th of November and 6th of December.

Which signs will feel the effects retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius and Scorpio the strongest?
Naturally, the biggest impact will be felt by Sagittarius and Scorpio, particularly if they possess angles (Ascendant, Descendant, IC and MC) in Sagittarius 13˚ or Scorpio 27˚ +/- 5˚. The most challenging and profound influence will once again apply mainly to Sagittarius and Scorpio, along with Virgo, Pisces and Gemini, due to the shared aspects with their planetary rulers.
For Leo and Aries, this period will be greatly productive and positive because of the insights and twists it will provoke.mercury-retrograde

Astro forecasts for the different signs for the period of Mercury retrograde  - 17th of November till 6th of December, 2018
When Mercury is in retrograde, we will face an array of confusing communication, delays, obstacles and incidents, as well as a revival of unsolved problems from the past, including ones we’ve ignored or ones we didn’t expect to reappear. It’s a good idea to revisit and reconsider all themes and spheres of our lives for which we know it might be necessary to make readjustments. 
Here are the accents of Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius and Scorpio for this year (make sure to read not just your Sun sign (zodiacal sign) but the zodiac regarding your ascendant as well.
You somehow anticipated the trends in this period, with your eighth and ninth house triggered by this retrograde. Deep inside, you knew what would happen, and now with broadened horizons, you’re ready to face old mistakes, challenge past delusions and move up to a new level – spiritually or educationally. New financial projects will put you on edge, making you see your own boundaries and examine your own motivation. These will be linked to foreign countries, foreigners, faraway distances and distant spiritual and mental horizons. In short, get ready for a journey of some sorts – all meanings of the word.
Mercury retrograde will pass through your eight and seventh house, and will mostly impact your relationship with relatives and partnerships. You will put an end to some long-lasting problems in your partnerships, and in relationships with your spouse, therapist, lawyer, accountant or business partner. At the end, you’ll get to fit the last piece of the puzzle that seemed unclear to you before. You’ll gain a renewed sense of power, optimism and faith for the future after this period. Don’t take any important actions before this period has ended – false hopes and fake plans might ruin it for you.  
The focal houses during this Mercury retrograde will be the seventh and the sixth. Your colleagues and partners will go through a litmus test of sorts when it comes to your relationships and once tired and bent-up, you will forever confirm what your true relationships are based on. This won’t be easy, but you have an easy-going character, and will cope well in this perplexing period. A bigger sense of belonging, obligation, service and benefit will become a key criteria for you now. It will no longer be enough to just spend your time without carefully considering who you invest energy in. Think of it as an interview or assessment test – one that works with you, not against: what do you want from these relationships and are you receiving it. At the end of the period, you will learn more about yourself in the mirror of these relationships, and will build a greater self-esteem and dignity. Keep your mind open, and don’t feel bogged down by the details – always look at the big picture.
Fifth and sixth house – the house of love, creativeness, kids, games and the one of health, everyday routine, work, colleagues, regimen and diets, will be activate for you. You should enjoy the fact that an important change could be tested now! Re-check, re-measure - give everything new life. Develop your talents in new sphere you didn’t have time for previously, or show support for that of others. Even if you’re supporting somebody else, you will still succeed.mercury-retrograde

For Leo, the fifth and forth house where Mercury retrograde will pass marks the domain of kids, creation and leisure. How have you been feeling in regards to this – are you satisfied with what you do and receive there, or is there anything you long for? Does your family life satisfy you in terms of joy and fulfillment? If your answer is negative for one of these questions, you should test a change now: try something new, talk to your closest people. When the period ends, you can decide if you would like to keep the change. At the end of the day, these are the spheres we all want to be fulfilled in, and that reflects the harmony and inner beauty of our personality. 
This Mercury retrograde period will go through your third and fourth house. The spheres here include that of the sister and brother, neighbor and home. You will have to think a lot to know how to re-arrange yourself, and restore order. You might even have to take care of a relative like an aunt and uncle. You might have to change something in the current situation that you thought long ago, but you did not have the courage and decisiveness to act on. Research what is the most appropriate behavior in the given situation – because a situation will occur – as some are hidden, and can hold truths that will be buried under surface. These you will have to reconcile with patience and understanding, as the period will not be a smooth one. In light of that, it is best to wait for the 6th of December. After all, the ruler of Virgo – Mercury – will be in retrograde, and will actively be making revision on these spheres of your life. 
Mercury retrograde will activate libra’s second and third house. Pay special attention to the written and spoken word, check your mail three times, and always think about what you say. You are tactful by nature, which means it will now be difficult for you, especially when it comes to relatives, brothers, sisters, neighbors. They will challenge your deep sense of fairness, and you won’t keep silent. Pay attention to what others say – they will drop important words, secrets, blunt comments. Store them in your mind and wait to gain clarity about the real reasons for each, the best course of action being to respond afterwards. You will actually gain the complete picture when this period ends, remember this.
First and second house – that of the ego, image, physical body, ambitions, power, money and real estate – these spheres will be renewed, while their inner code will be changed. Maybe you will find another angle to look at things through, or a new source of income after crisis and confusion. The changed parameters by the retrograde Mercury in Sagittarius and Scorpio will make you act on all this. Look deeply inside of yourself – the change was initiated there and you can now give meaning to it. Maybe you can now link your long-term goals to your short-term plans? Be careful with your expenses. You’re usually not one to need to be reminded, so ask yourself what is best for you. Not only in this moment, but also tomorrow, one year after and in the far future. 
Mercury will be retrograde in your sign and you will mark this period as important - one that brought you revelations and insights. They will be linked to the first and twelfth houses. Secrets, sometimes sorrow, isolation, places we retire to for being alone, even death, will be the themes during this transit for you, along with health and a renewed relation to your body. It sounds complicated, and the key to all this is Sagittarius’ optimism and wisdom - their natural approach to every problem, the grounded perspective they bring to it. But now you will have to pay attention to the small print as well – do not sign anything, unless it’s a re-signing. You will probably lose something, but it will come back in a different form. You will also face your biggest fears and will learn how to cope. After that, you’ll be able to pat yourself on the back for the braveness and work you did. The brightest day comes after the darkest night.
Eleventh and twelfth house as the houses of Mercury retrograde will mark this period for you with clarifications when it comes to friends, the search for the hidden mechanisms behind what happens in life, and an investigative research of the fine details behind the scenes. Make it your goal to not be rude, but to look for information that is of interest to you. It will now appear as a off-used word or phrase, and will come to aid you when drawing up a strategic plan. You will withdraw into your thoughts, and will choose to devote time to them without feeling weird about it. Little puzzles should not mislead you: stay centered and aim at change. But do not rush in to react to challenges, as they will turn out to be something different. You will reassess your circle of friends. You are a very realistic person – wait for the 6th of December to pass. It will be a huge help to yourself.
With Mercury retrograde in your eleventh and tenth house in Sagittarius and Scorpio, your focus will be your career and your friends. You can expect a reconsideration your priorities in these two spheres. There will be fatal changes stemming from misunderstandings and incorrect calculations, which you will not be able to avoid. It is best to cope with them without too much resistant, using your inventiveness and friendliness to navigate this complicated situation with new demands put on you and your realization - your coordinate system will be changed. Do not, however, change your place in it – at least not with a written note or request till the 6th of December. You may renew your plans after this date. 
The themes of ninth and tenth house will be activated for the Pisces now. These include: work, social image, status, far-away travels, higher education, publishing. Weird mistakes and miscommunications will surface now, and you will have to cope with each one. This chaos will be under your control after the 6th of December, when you will come to understand what caused it and why it’s happening. Perhaps you’ll have to change course of action, something you may have felt too scared to do up until now or something you may have been underestimated yourself about... Do not be extravagant though, do not promise a lot, and do not undertake too big a step or make too big a statement.

The dates for Mercury retrograde

Astro forecasts for the different signs for the period of Mercury retrograde


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